Love, Joy, Peace...

Food and Clothing: Here at Calvary Chapel every other Saturday @ 9:30am. Click here to view the Church Calendar and see which Saturdays.

Homeless Shelter: Calvary Refuge Center, 4365 Thurmond Rd., Forest Park, GA 30297 (404) 361-5309

Pregnancy Services: The Bridge Wellness South, 100 Eagles Walk, Stockbridge, GA 30281 (770) 957-8288 

Drug and Alcohol Addiction: U-Turn For Christ, 1154 Barr Rd., Lexington, SC 29072 (803) 951-2197

Food (Henry County Residents): Helping in His Name, 85 Bellamy Place, Stockbridge, GA 30281 (678) 565-6135

Clayton County Resource List: One Clayton

Henry County Resource List: Henry Resource Directory