Love, Joy, Peace...

Dear fellow believers in Jesus,

I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve our incredibly awesome God along side each and everyone of you. In 1 Corinthians chapter 12 the church is compared to a human body with all of the different parts working together for the good of the body. Not greater and lesser parts, just different parts with different roles all working together so the body can function in a healthy an effective manner. I am so thankful that I get to experience us working together on a daily basis; everyone of us a volunteer with nothing to gain except the furthering of the kingdom of God for all eternity. I'm still amazed that God would chose to use a bunch like us to work in and through for His glory. I’m looking forward to see what God will do through each and everyone of us working together in this exciting new chapter of Calvary Chapel.

May the Lord bless you greatly,

- Pastor Rob