Love, Joy, Peace...
Name (Required)
Phone (Required)
Address (Required)
Email (Required)
Event Name (Required)
Who will plan, coordinate, implement, and oversee this event? (Required)
When will this event take place? one time event, weekly, monthly, etc. Date(s) and Time(s) (Required)
After checking the church online events calendar: (Required)
What is the purpose of this event? What need will be met? (Required)
Who or what group of people will this ministry/event be directed to? (Required)
If approval isn't or can't be given, how will that make you feel? what will it mean to you? Will it affect your fellowship? (Required)
What do you hope will happen as a result of this event? (Required)
If that goal is not met; what will that mean to you? (Required)
Please explain how do you visualize this event happening? What will the meetings look like? What can people expect? Do you have an itinerary? (Required)
Is this event consistent with the values, mission, and vision of Calvary Chapel? (Required)
Please consider these different possible costs: financial, people, facilities, paper goods/products, vehicles/gas, furniture, food, and other resources. What are the total costs involved? (Required)
Will you be charging people? (Required)
If so, how much? (Required)
Where will this event take place? (Required)
Are youth and/or children involved? (Required)
Will they need permission slips and liability forms? (Required)
Will childcare/chaperones be needed? (Required)
If needed, how will childcare be provided? Anyone selected as a caregiver/chaperone must go through the background check application process. Please allow 2-4 weeks for this process to be completed (Required)
Will transportation be needed? (Required)
If "yes", who will be driving? Please Note: If applicable, the person(s) responsible for this must ensure that drivers are responsible drivers, 21 years of age or older, and that they have had a DMV Report. (Required)
Communication and Investigation are important factors in planning. How will this event affect other ministries? Concerning: Scheduling, Equipment Usage, Facility (availability, set-up and tear down & cleanup), and Readiness for next event? (Required)
In regards to this event; what do you expect of the pastors, other ministry leaders, and attenders of Calvary Chapel? (Required)
Are you willing to receive input, suggestions? (Required)
This ministry event must be approved. You will be notified within 21 days of the status of approval. *By typing your name you are agreeing to the planning, coordination, implementation, and oversight of this event? (Required)
Date (Required)